Make Promises, Not Resolutions!
It’s the end of 2018, the beginning of 2019, and the time when people make resolutions. Here at Deli Express, we have a recommendation for you: Don’t make a resolution.
Just look at that word: Resolutions. It’s so serious and ominous. And it’s all too easy to think you have to make huge, life-changing commitments that you maybe do or don’t want to make. Which is likely at least part of the reason that as many as 80% of resolutions made aren’t kept.
Instead, try this: Make promises to yourself. What kind of promises?
- Be kind with yourself. Does your morning often begin with “I should have, why didn’t I, if only I’d…”? You’re human. Cut yourself some slack.
- Be kind to others. You may never know how much that scowling person on the street needed a smile from a stranger. That’s OK. If you gave the smile, you were kind.
- Take a hard look at family commitments. Anything you can cut out to build in more down time? Being constantly on the run is stressful. Find moments to stop.
- Let go of the “perfect” ideas. Your home doesn’t have to be perfectly clean. You don’t have to serve four-course meals every night (or, actually, any night). It’s OK to be good enough.
- If you do have concrete things you want to accomplish in 2019, find ways to break them down into small chunks. “Become a master gardener” is a big, big task. “Cut up a little square in the corner of the yard and plant three kinds of vegetables” is much more manageable.
- Take a night off now and then. Bring home Deli Express sandwiches for dinner and spend time with the family, rather than scrambling to make a meal.